Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Clothesline Club Nov 2020

Restarting the Clothesline Club Blog.                                                                                         

It has been a very long time (early 2013 to be exact) since I updated this blog.  Now that I am retired I decided it was time to get back to it.  Please be patient with me as I relearn how to create pages and new posts.

Our 2020 group project is the Girl Next Door by Louise Papas.  We started in Feb and will finish up in Dec.  Our last kit which was for Oct requires that we complete 8 houses.  I am hoping most of you are keeping up with the monthly kits.  If you haven't picked up kits please stop in at Quilts Etc. and purchase them.  You may call the store and pay over the phone and they will bring it out to your car, if you aren't comfortable going into the store.

This is what I have gotten sewn so far. Sew that makes me about 7 months behind.  Eeeeek, I had better get a move on or it will end up as a UFO. I do have thank Kari for cutting out all the girls faces for both of us when she was cutting. I am at least one step ahead when I get to that part. I truly don't need another UFO added to my already very long list.

Here is the project for 2021 - Freshly Picked by Sue Daley

We will purchase monthly kits with our requirement for the month included.  This quilt will have machine piecing, English paper piecing and some hand or machine applique involved in its creation.

Looking forward to keeping up with this blog page and what our wonderful group is getting accomplished each month and throughout the year.

Happy Sewing,

Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year 2013

Wishing you all a very safe and Happy New Year 2013!
New years reSEWlutions!
Remember we will be starting our UFOs for past Clothesline Club projects (this now will include 2012 projects) and other projects that you just want to get done.  Sew, as you clean out your craft room, as we all do once a year, decide what you want to get done for your 2013 UFOs.  There is no limit to how many UFOs you can sign up.  Looking forward to seeing what fun projects will be seeing the light of day this year.  You can bring new UFOs all year long, not just in Jan.

Here are two of my UFOs that I will be bringing in.

I want to send a special thank you to Deanna Carsten for giving us all one of her crocheted towel holders.  That was so kind of her.  I am sew looking forward to using in my kitchen once my remodel is done and cleaned up.

Until next time, Tina

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Welcome to the Clothesline Club Night Group Blog

Welcome to the Clothesline Club Night Group Blog

Welcome to the first blog of the Clothesline Club located at Quilts Etc in Sandy, Utah.  We meet once a month to share items about sewing history, our favorite childhood items, antiques, new projects and family memories.  This blog will follow our monthly journey staring in January 2013.  I will be posting pictures of our meeting sew that we can share our projects and progress each month with all of you.  I hope you enjoy our journey as much as we have enjoyed the past 5 years of Clothesline Club. 

I want to thank Quilts Etc for hosting our group for the last 5 years. Thanks Pat for continuing our oh sew fun monthly group.  There are two groups (morning and night) with 40 ladies in each group.  A lot of time and work are put into running Clothesline Club and without Sandra Mack our club wouldn't be the success that it has become.

This is our wonderful December pot luck spread that is shared with all.  The food was all sew good it was difficult to choose which one to try first.  We have a little food spread at out monthly meeting and then share the recipes.
These brown bags held our gift exchange for 2012.  We all made a Dish Rug for our exchange.  I found the idea on the following blog:

Here is Sandra our fearless leader. She is sew talented, fun and creates some of the most amazing projects for us. Without her our group wouldn't have lasted into our 6th year and be what it is. Thanks sew very much Sandra.


 These are just a few of the cute dish rugs that were created for our gift exchange. I am sew very proud of everyone for their creations. You all did such an amazing job creating your own original dish rugs. This was a first time project for all of the ladies.

There was not one dish rug the same.  Everyone created their own version of the project and it was sew fun the way we picked our bag.  We all pulled a word out of a basket of which we were to listen for during the reading of "Twas the Night Before Christmas".  When our word was read we were to shout out "HO! HO! HO!"  Which in it's self was funny.  You then got to pick a brown bag and unwrap your new dish rug. 
Below are a few of the show-n-tell projects that were shared with us.

This is a sneak peak at our next months blog.  We spent the 2012 year on this group project.  Every one has done such an amazing job and they are all turning out sew beautiful.  More pictures next month when the tops are required to be finished in order to receive a discount for the quilting at Quilts Etc.  (Mine has become a UFO project for 2013)

We will be starting a new UFO challenge in 2013.  There will be two types going: past Clothesline Club projects that need to be completed and UFO's that we all have shoved in a drawer or closet that just need to be completed.  Can't wait to see some oldies but goodies getting completed this year.
Our group project for 2013 is going to be a charm quilt.  Everyone gets to pick their own pattern for putting all our charms together.  This is going to be fun seeing what creative ideas the ladies come up with.  This will also become an original project for each of those who are participating in the project.  No one will be putting their charms together in the same pattern making each one an original.  Yipee!!!!  Linda Roderick is going to be our guest speaker in January to discuss just what a Charm Quilt is and what goes into making one.
Thanks for stopping by to see our group and all that we are up to.  I hope you will stop by again next month to see some of the amazing projects that our ladies create and sharing with us each month.  They are all sew talented and fun.
Until next month, Tina